Thursday, March 31, 2011

Asbestos and Smoking Create a Deadly Combination

Hello there, nice to meet you again, I want to warn you about how dangerous effect of Asbestos and Cigarettes, Asbestos as a cause of lung cancer is often ignored because of smoking. So there is one reason for this is readily revealed in “The effect of smoking on the risk of lung cancer mortality for asbestos workers in Great Britain (1971-2005)”: among asbestos workers, smoking is more common than in the general population. 
From the study followed asbestos workers from 1971 until 2005, at which point some arise at 53% of asbestos workers were still active smokers. In contrast, among 45% of the general population in Great Britain smoked in 1971, and that number dropped to 24% by 2005. 
So my friends, While either cigarette smoking or asbestos may be the cause of lung cancer, together, they create an very exceptionally high risk disease. One cannot simply add the risk associated with each carcinogen together and determine the risk that the two create in individuals exposed to both.

There is some fact about this, a September 2010 journal article covering asbestos workers in China (“Lung cancer mortality from exposure to chrysotile asbestos and smoking: a case control study within a cohort in China”) found that the total risk of lung cancer was one and a half times what would be expected if the risk associated with smoking and the risk associated with asbestos exposure were added together as a combination

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